Handling bills

Billed amounts are displayed at the top of the patron details window. By default, billed amounts and debts are displayed as one total amount. But if you have decided that billed amounts should not be part of the Debt block amount, Debts amount and Bills amount are presented separately.

See also: Organisation settings

Following up on bills

You find the bills that a patron has under Debts in the patron details.

When a bill has been paid, it needs to be marked as settled in Quria.

  1. Go to the Patron section in the main menu.
  2. Find the patron who has paid a bill and select Debts.
  3. Under Bills, find the bill number and select Settle bill in the context menu.

Settling a bill entails the following:

  • The bill gets a settled date in the list under Debts in the patron details.
  • The items on the bill are removed from the patron’s loans.
  • The item gets the status Bill paid. This status can be used as a search criteria in item bulk handling, to find items that need to be deleted from Quria.
  • If there is a rule that blocks patrons with bills, the patron is unblocked.
  • The payment info is included in analytics (data source: Debts, debt type: Bill replacement charge and Bill administration fee).

If rules are set so that an item on bill may be checked in, and if a patron returns such an item, the bill is reduced with the amount of the replacement charge while the administrative fee remains to be paid.

You can also close a bill if, for some reason, a bill should not be paid by the patron, by selecting Close bill in the context menu of a bill. You can add a manual status for the items on the bill. Loans on a closed bill will also be closed and the items will get the selected status.

Searching for bills

You can search for bills using the bill number or patron name by selecting the Bills tab of the Patron page.

Only users with the Patrons/Bills permission have access to this tab.

You can then narrow down the search results by filtering on patron categories, on the dates the bills were created, bill status and status dates, owning organisation and removal types.

The search results include information such as bill number, amounts, status details, patron name and owning branch. For removed bills, you also see removal type and removal comment. When you expand the bill, you also see items included in the bill.

After finding a bill, you can settle or close the bill just as from the Debts section of the patron details.

See also: Debt reminders and Billing of lost items