
Organisation structure

An organisation in Quria is built up as a hierarchy:

Level 1: Consortium (contract)

Level 2: Account (public/schools/prisons etc.)

Level 3: Authority (area within the account)

Level 4: Branch (physical library) with different work places (desk, self-service, Arena, etc.)

Level 5: Department (children, science, etc. for logistics only)

Functions on different levels

Collection metadata are stored on consortium level.

General patron data (name, address, etc.) is stored on consortium level.

Specific patron data (patron category, active card, etc.) is stored on account level. A patron has to be authorised for an account to make loans etc.

All items, reservations, loans, acquisitions, periodicals and ILL data are stored on account level.

Analytics data is stored on the level where the data belongs.

Rules can be set on all levels; the lower in the hierarchy, the stronger. For example, if a loan period is set to four weeks on consortium level and two weeks on account level, then the loan period will be two weeks for that account.

In the Configuration section, under Settings/Organisations, you can view and make settings related to organisations maintenance.


A list showing the tenant organisation hierarchy, with consortium, accounts, authorities and branches and how they relate (parent). You also see archived organisations. The list can be filtered on different organisation levels. There is also an option to download selected organisations to a CVS file.

  1. Go to the Organisations section and filter the organisations you want to download.

  2. Check the boxes for the organisations you want to download.

  3. Click Download CSV to download the file to our computer.

Organisation settings

Select an organisation to view or edit its settings.

To add a new setting, click Add setting.

Contact information

Enter the contact information for the organisation.

The Payment receiver information is used for online payments in Arena. Organisation number is mandatory if online payments are to be used. These settings can be made on all organisational levels. When payments are done in Arena, the Payment receiver information is shown under Recipient. If no information is entered, the organisation name is used.

Branch information texts

You can add two sets of branch information, such as opening hours, to be included on messages to patrons and on receipts. These settings can be made on branch level only.

See also: Receipts and Message texts

Circulation and patrons

You can define a default patron category that will be used when new patrons are created. This setting can be added on any organisational level. If the same default category should be used for all authorities/branches within an account, you only need to set the default category on the account level.

You can set a delay period in Delay reservation notices (minutes). Add the number of minutes the notifications should be delayed. If the setting is left empty, the notifications will be sent directly. The delay can be set on any organisational level, and if not set on lower levels, the value from higher levels is inherited. For example, if you on the account level set a delay for 15 minutes, this will be used for all lower levels. But if a specific branch want to send the notifications directly, the setting should be set to 0 for that specific branch.

You can configure a branch as a school branch by checking the box School. This setting can be made on branch level only. If there are branches marked as School, a dropdown with schools will show up in the patron details along with a field for Class.

You can enter a minimum age for patrons to self-register in Arena. This setting can be made on account level only.

If you check the Block patron accounts without signed agreements, all patrons that have not signed an agreement of type General terms and conditions will be automatically blocked in Arena and Quria. In Quria, the staff can overrule the block, but in Arena, patrons will not be able to for example make reservations or renew loans. This setting is available only if the Digital agreements module has been activated. This setting can be made on account level only.

The Block patron accounts without signed agreements setting affects all patrons, including staff, institutions and other libraries. If the box is not checked, only patrons that are added and patrons that have entered a new age group (if the rules have been configured for this) must sign agreements.

By default, fees are calculated based on the number of days that have passed since the due date. But you can also configure that the days that the library is closed is omitted, by checking the Base hire charges and overdue fees on calendar's open days box. This setting can be made on account level only.

By default, billed amounts are included when calculating patron account block based on debts. If you want to exclude bills from this calculation, you check the box for the setting Exclude bills from patron account block. When the box is checked, billed amounts and debts will be displayed separately in the patron details window. This setting can be made on account level only.

Hire charges are only affected if the loan period is prolonged due to calendar closed days. For example, if you have a hire charge per day, and the loan time is 14 days, you will always be charged for 14 days even if some of these are closed. But if you get a loan period of 16 days due to calendar closed days, you will still only be charged for 14 days.

The Base reservation cooperation on availability setting should be checked if you want to base the reservation cooperation on availability instead of holdings. This setting is only available at account level.

See also: Reservation cooperation

The Open Library (patrons/workplaces assigned) setting should be checked if you want to be able to give patrons access to specific Open Library branches.

The Default workplace for circulation via external API setting supports check-out and check-in via external API:s, i.e the Solus app. The Branch is used for e.g. getting correct rules and to set correct branch for analytic events. For this branch to be used, and not fallback to the branch from the public portal user, the default workplace for the branches needs to be set in Organisation settings. For each branch, make sure there is a suitable workplace for external calls, and connect this workplace to the branch in Organisations settings.


You can select that overdue fees can be included on bills, and if you want it to be possible to settle bills at the library, by checking the boxes. Number of payment days for bill enables printing of last payment date on bills (provided that the variable {{LastPaymentDate}} is included in the message text for print-out of bills). These settings can be made on authority level only.


If an integration is made to an external payment provider such as Visma, then the setting Bills can be paid at the library will be overruled.


Enter settings for ILL if using NCIP. These settings can be added on any organisational level, but are usually added on branch level as the library code and number can be branch specific.

Banking (membership)

For patron membership, bank settings are controlled on the authority level. Enter the number of days before the membership expires that an automatic bank withdrawal is made, and the payment period for the bank. These settings can be made on authority level only.

See also: Patron membership


The default budget year is defined on the account level. The delivery and invoice addresses are set up under Acquisitions and periodicals and can be selected on different organisational levels. These addresses are printed on order print-outs and order email messages.


Workplaces are added on branch level. Select a branch in the dropdown to show a list of the workplaces and their descriptions. You define the RFID equipment and sign pad equipment for each workplace. For each workplace, you can select if different kinds of receipts should be printed or sent as email as default. You can always select or deselect these options when working in the Check out/Renew/Check in windows. You also define if the workplace should be used for self-service library access control.

See also: RFID configuration and Sign pad configuration


Departments are added on branch level. An example of a department can be Children.

For each department you can choose which section should be default section for the department.


Sections are added on account level. An example of a section can be Crime.

Mobile library

Quria supports mobile units - usually buses or vans that serve as a travelling library for communities without access to a library. You maintain routes and stops here.

See also: Settings for the mobile library