Making a reservation

Reservations are made per title and media type.

  1. Search the collection and open the details page for the title.
  2. Click Reserve for the format of the title you prefer.
    The reservation wizard opens.
  3. Enter the patron card number or search for the patron and click Enter.
  4. In the window that opens next, click View patron if necessary (to, for example, update notification method); if not, click Next.
  5. The default reservation type is Trap first, which means that the first available manifestation will be trapped for the reservation. You can also select Trap all, to reserve all available manifestations. Note that trapping all will result in additional reservation fees, if the library uses such. If you have been assigned a special permission for Collections , you can check Override cooperation levels to trap the title at any branch in the reservation cooperation or Trap at any branch to trap the title also at branches outside of the reservation cooperation.

    Regardless of scope, if a reservation control rule does not allow an item to leave the home branch or home authority, then this will still overrule also Trap at any branch.
  6. If necessary, change pick-up branch and reservation dates, or leave them as suggested.
  7. Enter an internal comment about the reservation if you want to.
    The items possible to reserve are listed, and the reservation fees applicable (if any).
  8. If you want to add multiple reservations for a patron, for example a teacher in need of many copies, specify the numer of reservations.

    If reservation fees are used, there will be one fee per reservaion
  9. To reserve a specific edition of a title, uncheck the Include box for any manifestation that you want to exclude from the reservation. You can also add manifestations to the reservation that have been excluded by rules settings by checking the Include box.
  10. Click Make reservation.

Reserving several titles

When you want to reserve a number of titles, you can add them to the collections basket and then finish the reservation in one go.

  1. Search the collection and open the details page for the title.
  2. In the context menu of the manifestation or expression that you want to reserve, select Add to basket.
  3. Continue to add all the titles that you want to reserve to the same patron.
  4. Click the collections basket at the top of the page and make sure that Reservation is selected.
  5. Remove any titles that you don’t want to reserve and then click Reserve.

The reservation wizard opens and you continue by entering patron details and additional information, just as for a single reservation.

Making a reservation of a specific item

Reservations are normally made per title and media type, but you can also reserve a specific item.

  1. Search the collection and open the details page for the title.
  2. Click the manifestation row for the media type that you want to reserve.
  3. In the Items section, find the item that you want to reserve and click Reserve in the context menu.
    This opens the same reservation window as when making a normal reservation.

Making a reservation for a periodical

Reservations are made per issue when it comes to periodicals.

  1. Search the collection and open the details page for the periodical.
  2. For the issue that you want to reserve, select Reserve issue.
  3. Continue with the reservation wizard in the same way as when making a reservation for a book.