The patron details window

The patron details window is the window that opens when you click a patron name in the patron search results. In the menu on the top you find loans, reservations, debts, patron data, notifications and agreements. You can also access the patron details of the patron that has an item on loan, after having scanned an item and clicking the patron name.

In the top field there is a Message button to click to send a message to the patron’s phone or email address, visible only if a phone number or email address has been registered for the patron.

There is also a Print button to print a status receipt of all loans, reservations and debts that the patron has.


List of the patron’s current items on loan.

Click the context menu for a single item to renew or check in that item, without accessing the actual item. Click the title to open the work with all its details. As long as a loan is not included on a bill, you can close a loan without access to the physical item, by selecting Close loan in the context menu. Closing loans will not trap reservations.

Click the expand icon for a single item to reveal more details about the loan.

Check the boxes for some or all items and select Renew or Close loans to renew or close the selected loans, without accessing the actual items individually.

Click Add loan to open the Check out window to add a loan to the patron.

When you open the Check out window this way, you cannot change to another patron in the Check out window.

You can also display and search in the patron’s loan history by expanding the Loan history section. You can search for titles or creators and also limit the period when the items were returned. The default loan history period is set to start 3 years ago from today’s date. You can download the loan history to a PDF file. The file can contain a maximum of 800 loans, so in cases with very many loans in the loan history, you first need to limit the list.


List of the patron’s current reservations.

Click the context menu for a single reservation to edit or cancel that reservation, or to open the work.

Click the expand icon for a single reservation to reveal more details about the reservation.

When the reservation has been completed, it disappears from the list.


List of the patron’s debts and bills.

Click the context menu for a single debt to pay or to remove that debt, or to settle or close a bill.

Click the expand icon for a single debt or bill to reveal more details about it.

When a debt is paid or removed, it disappears from the list and can be found under Payment history or Removed debts.

When a bill is settled, you see the date it was settled. Bills paid via a an integrated financial system are marked External payment and information about the financial service will be displayed. The patron will be released from the loans and the items will get the automatic status Bill paid. The items can then be found, for example, under Collections/Items for further handling.

When you close a bill, you can set a status for the items included in the bill, for example Lost, and add a comment. You will see the date the bill was closed and its details in the list. The patron will be released from the loans and the items will get the chosen status.

You can also sell articles to the patron from here, provided that the library has items for sale.

See also: Billing of lost items

Patron data

Personal data for the patron, as well as information about their cards and statistics, is displayed.

A patron can be blocked or deleted from here, provided that you have permissions for these actions.

To edit details of a section, click the pen in the upper right corner of that section. Only fields with values are shown.

General information

The general information, for example name and birth date, is stored and searchable in the entire consortium.

The identity number is country-specific.

Title, gender, category, communication language and custom fields are defined under Configuration/Settings/Patrons and Configuration/Settings/Circulation and notifications.

You can set an absent period to avoid trapping of reservations during an absent period. The patron can also view, set and change this period in Arena if this option is enabled. Note that the absent period can only be seen in Arena if both the start date and end date of the absent period have been set.

The mobile library routes and stops available for a patron depend on the selected pick-up branch. If you add a stop for a patron, this is where reservations for the patron will be picked up.

The external ID is unique and cannot be changed. It can be useful when searching for patrons that have signed in to Arena and filled in forms for ILL requests and acquisition proposals.

Check the box to allow the patron Open Library access. If you want to grant the patron access only to some branches, check the boxes for these branches.

If a patron has accepted to receive marketing information in Arena, you see this here, but you cannot change this setting from Quria.


You can add notes about the patron.

Contact information

The contact information is stored on account level.

A patron may have multiple phone numbers. A check in the SMS box makes the phone number a recipient of notifications from the library. If you add several phone numbers for which you check the SMS box, all the numbers will receive all SMS notifications.

A patron may have multiple email addresses, and checking the Active box makes one or several email addresses active. The active email addresses are used for notifications sent from Quria.

A patron may have multiple addresses, of which one of each is set as active by checking the Active box. The active address is used for notifications sent from Quria.

You can mark a patron’s address as Civil registration address for the address to be updated automatically via for example the Nasjonalt lånekort (Norway) or Navet (Sweden). If desired, it is possible to register one address as Civil registration address and a different address as active address.


The Membership functionality makes it possible for the library to limit the validity period of patron accounts.

See also: Patron membership


The following statistics is shown for the user:

  • Total number of loans
  • Number of loans this year
  • Date when the patron joined library
  • Date and type of the latest activity
  • Date of latest update of contact information. The information may have been confirmed or updated in Arena or updated in Quria. The date will not be refreshed when updates are done via PatronSync (Navet in Sweden and Nasjonalt lånerkort in Norway).

PIN code

The patron uses the PIN code to sign in to Arena and when using a self-service desk. There is one PIN code for all cards (if many). The PIN code can be changed.

Patron’s own cards

The following actions can be selected from the context menu:

  • Block/Unblock: A blocked card cannot be used at all in any library; not for loans, not to sign in to Arena, etc. It can be unblocked and used again.
  • Make inactive/Make active is available only if a patron is registered at several accounts. It works similar to Block/Unblock but only affects the current library.

  • Remove is available only if the card only is active in the logged in account. A removed card is removed from the system and cannot be used again.

New cards can be added from here.

Patron connections

Patron connections are used to set up relationships between patrons in order to take responsibility for for example loans and debts. Each patron can only belong to one group of patron connections, and one patron in each group has to be assigned to be the main contact.

You find a list of patrons that are connected to the current patron, for example young patrons that require a guarantor. If you want to remove a connected patron, click the trash can next to the patron. You can also connect other patrons from here.


All still valid notifications that have been sent to the patron are listed on the Notifications tab. You can see the original message when you expand the notification and it is possible to resend or reprint a notification based on the current version of the message text template. Note that direct messages can only be resent using their original send method. The Resend option will only be enabled if the patron has a valid active email address or SMS number and the notification rule that generated the notification allows email or SMS (at the time the notification was generated).

Notifications that are no longer valid, such as overdue reminders for items have been checked in or reservation notifications for reserved items that have been picked up, are cleared automatically, but notifications such as age group transition e-mails and direct e-mails have to be deleted manually to disappear from the list.


If the Digital agreements module has been activated, you find the agreements, both signed and unsigned, here. The General terms and conditions agreement that has been defined in the Digital agreement rules is automatically added to the patron account, and has to be signed before the patron can start using the library services.

To print an agreement for the patron to sign, click Print in the context menu for the agreement. When the patron has signed the printed agreement, click Verify signature in the context menu.

If the patron has signed an agreement digitally, Patron is displayed under Signed by. If the patron has signed a printed agreement, the name of the staff member that verified the patron’s signature is displayed instead.

You can add additional agreements by selecting an agreement in the dropdown list and clicking Add to patron. Agreements other than General terms and conditions agreements do not block patrons from using the library services.

See also: Digital agreements