Handling many patrons at the same time

At some point, you may want to send the same message to a number of patrons, edit the same piece of information for many patrons, or delete several patrons. This is possible using patron bulk handling operations. You can also select several patrons and export patron data to a CSV file, to share with others or work with the data further on your own.

Only users with patron bulk permissions have access to bulk operations functionality:

Bulk handling/Patrons: Bulk menu permission: Access to the section where several patrons can be handled in one operation

Bulk handling/Patrons: Bulk messages permission: Access to the Send messages button on the Patrons tab

Bulk handling/Patrons: Bulk modify permission: Access to the Change data button on the Patrons tab

Bulk handling/Patrons: Bulk delete permission: Access to the Delete patrons button on the Patrons tab

Selecting patrons for bulk handling

You can select patrons for bulk handling either by searching or by filtering. The filtering includes several types of patron data, for example personal data, patron activity, debts and agreement status.

  1. Select Patron in the main menu.
  2. Click the Patrons tab.
  3. Either enter a search query such as name or address and press Enter, or use the filtering options under Refine search and click Search.
    You can also combine searching and filtering to narrow down the hits. See also: Advanced search using prefixes
  4. In the list of all matching patrons, click the top check box to select all the patrons in the list, or select a few of the patrons that you want to handle.
Postcodes can be stored in Quria with or without blank characters (whitespace) inside the postcode. When you perform a refined search for patrons using postcode, you need to insert a wildcard (*) in the position for the possible blank character to find patrons with postcodes with and without blank characters in one go.

Patron bulk messages

  1. After having selected the patrons you want to contact, click Send messages.
  2. Select email or SMS.
  3. Fill in the subject and message text if you selected email, and message text if you selected SMS. You can use variables in the text if you want to personalize your messages, e.g. insert the patron first name in the message.
  4. Click Send and then confirm your action.

You will see a confirmation of sent messages and information if there were messages that could not be sent.

Changing data for many patrons at the same time

You can bulk change the following settings:

  • Patron category
  • Pick-up branch
  • Route/stop
  • Has permission for Open Library access (Note that Open Library access for a branch can only be given in bulk to patrons that already have a general or at least one open library permission)
  • Custom fields (if used)
  • School and Class (if School has been enabled for the current branch)
  1. After having selected the patrons you want to handle, click Change data.
  2. Select which settings you want to change and click Change.
  3. Confirm your action.

Add loans

In search results Add loan takes you directly to Check out. This can be helpful when for example handling loans to a school class.

Exporting patron data to a CSV file

  1. After having selected the patrons for whom you want to export patron data, click Download as CSV.

A CSV file is created in your Downloads folder.

Deleting many patrons at the same time

You cannot delete patrons that have items on loan, reservations, debts or unpaid bills, or patrons that are guarantors for other patrons. If you delete patrons that have agreements connected, the agreements will be deleted as well.

  1. After having selected the patrons you want to handle, click Delete patrons.
  2. Confirm your action.

You get a confirmation of how many patrons were deleted and of how many patrons that could not be deleted.

Perhaps you need to comply with legislation that stipulates that inactive patrons must be deleted after 3 years, and at the same time you must keep information about bills for 7 years? In that case, you can use the combination of Inactive after (and enter a date 3 years ago) and No bills sent from (date) (7 years ago) to find all patrons that have been inactive for 3 years and have not received any bills for 7 years. Then you can easily delete these patrons from the system.