Age group transition

Age group transition occurs when patrons, because of age, no longer belong to their previous age group, for example a child that becomes an adult and no longer requires a guarantor, or a regular patron that becomes a senior citizen with different fees.

You can configure rules to make it possible to notify and/or block patrons when an age group transition occurs. These rules need to be configured on the Account level or higher.

For a child with a guarantor that because of age does no longer need a guarantor, the guarantor connection is discontinued without notifications.

A scheduled job needs to be run for the age group transition to take place.

See also: Administration tools


Different rules are needed to configure age group transition in Quria. This example includes:

  • Configuration of sending email: Email to be sent when age group transition occurs.
  • Email text: Creating the text that the email contains.
  • Patron block: Blocking patrons when age group transition occur.
  • Scheduled job: Enabling the scheduled job that handles age group transition.

In this example, the library has two age groups: Adult and Child. The age limit for children is set to 15. Age groups are created under Configuration/Patrons/Age groups.

When a patron turns 15, we want to automatically send an email to inform the patron that they need to come to the library and sign a user agreement. We also want to prevent the patrons that just turned 15 from using any library services until they have signed the agreement.

Configuring an email to be sent when age group transition occurs

You can only create rules for the organization that you are signed in to.

  1. Go to the Configuration section in the main menu.
  2. Under Circulation and notifications, click Rules.
  3. Select the Patron control rule type and the Send email for age transition rule.
  4. Click Add rule.
  5. Give the rule a descriptive name, such as Transition to adult - email and select a level in the organisation (Account level or higher).
  6. Select Adult for Age group.
  7. Select Yes for When above, then, and click Save.

You find your new rule in the overview at the bottom of the window.

Creating an email message text

  1. Go to the Configuration section in the main menu.
  2. Under Circulation and notifications, click Message texts.
  3. Click Add custom text.
  4. Select the Age group transition message type and Email as send method.
  5. Select a level in your organisation, and the language you want to use.
    You see the predefined message that you can use as it is, or adapt if you want to. Variables can be used in the email.
  6. Click Save.

Blocking patrons when age group transition occurs

  1. Go to the Configuration section in the main menu.
  2. Under Circulation and notifications, click Rules.
  3. Select the Patron control rule type and the Block patron after age transition rule.
  4. Click Add rule.
  5. Give the rule a descriptive name, such as Transition to adult- block and select a level in the organisation (Account level or higher).
  6. Select Adult for Age group.
  7. Select Yes for When above, then, and click Save.

You find your new rule in the overview at the bottom of the window..

Setting up a scheduled job for age transition maintenance

  1. Go to the Configuration section in the main menu and select the Admin tab.
  2. Select Manage scheduled jobs.
  3. Make sure that the Patron age group transition handling job is enabled.

The next time the job runs, it will check for any patrons that has turned 15 since the job was previously run (or the last 10 days if this is the first time you run the job). These patrons will now receive an email that they need to come to the library to sign an agreement. They are currently blocked from using the library services, and once they have come to the library and signed the agreement, you need to unblock them.

If rules have been set to require guarantors for children, guarantors will be removed from patrons when age transition occurs.