
The most common user type in Quria is Staff - the persons working at the library. There are also system users needed for self-service machines and public portals such as Arena. You find an overview of all users under the Users tab of the Configuration section in the main menu.

Searching for users

You can search for users’ first and/or last names and then narrow down the search results by filtering on types of users, the branch that is the users’ default workplace, roles, the period when the users were created and when they last signed in. You can also search for all users using * and then filter the search results.

Editing a user

  • Click on a user in the list to open the details for that user, and make the updates.

Adding a staff user

When you add staff users, you also assign roles to the them. A user can have different roles depending on location; where they sign in.

  1. Click Add user and select user type Staff. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.
  2. Add name, email address, language and country. Language and country is entered with 2 characters according to the User interface languages list.
  3. Select the default workplace (all four dropdowns).
  4. Click Add role. Select location using the dropdown menus - for the role to apply on a higher level and all levels below that, you should only make a selection for the account or account/authority depending on the scope. But for the role to apply only for a specific branch, you make selections in all the dropdowns.
  5. Select the role for this user at the specified location in the role dropdown menu and click Save.
  6. Click Add role again, if you want to assign another role for this user, at the same location or at another location.
  7. Click Save.

Adding a system user

  1. Click Add user and select user type Public portal (system user) or Self-service (system user). Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.
  2. Add name/description in the First name and Last name fields, user ID, language and country. Language and country is entered with 2 characters according to the User interface languages list.
  3. Select where the equipment will be placed for default workplace (all four dropdowns).
  4. For the Public portal (system user), organisations and pick-up places have to be selected under Public portal settings in order to display holdings and pick-up places in the public portal such as Arena. These settings determine which organisations will be shown in Extended search, the holdings displayed for catalogue records and what fictive holdings that will be created.
  5. Click Save.

User interface languages

Currently, the following languages (language variants) are supported in the Quria user interface.

User interface language User setting - Language User setting - Country
English (United Kingdom) en GB
Czech cs CZ
Finnish (Finland) fi FI
French (France) fr FR
German (Germany) de DE
Norwegian (Bokmål) nb NO
Slovak sk SK
Swedish (Sweden) sv SE