Handling many items at the same time

At some point, you may want to edit the same piece of information for many items. This is possible using an item bulk handling operation. You can also select several items and export item data to a CSV file, to share with others or work with the data further on your own.

Only users with item bulk permissions have access to bulk operations functionality:

Bulk handling/Items: Bulk menu permission: Access to the section where several items can be handled in one operation

Bulk handling/Items: Bulk modify permission: Access to the Change data button on the Items tab

Bulk handling/Items: Bulk delete permission: Access to the Delete items button on the Items tab

The following applies for handling single items as well as bulk handling of items:

  • Items that belong to your own account can be relocated and temporary located within the home account regardless of transaction status.

  • Items that belong to your account can be relocated and temporary located to other accounts as long as the item has no transaction status or one of:

    • Available

    • In transit

    • Trapped (cancelled)

    • Trapped, in transit (cancelled)

    • Internal handling: ILL out cancelled

    • Bill paid

    • Received

  • For incoming ILL items the following applies:

    • Can never be handled in Collections/Items

    • Cannot get a temporary location

    • Cannot get an updated item type

Selecting items for bulk handling

You can select items for bulk handling either by searching or by filtering.

  1. Go to the Collections section in the main menu.
  2. Click the Items tab.
  3. Either enter a search query such as title or creator and press Enter, or use the filtering options under Refine search and click Search. See also: Search tips
    You can also combine searching and filtering to narrow down the hits. For Status, Department and Section it is possible to also filter for items that have no setting defined, by selecting Not set.
  4. In the list of all matching items, click the top check box to select all the items in the list, or select a few of the items that you want to handle.

Scanning items

You can select the Scan items option to scan one or several items, get them in your list and then handle them at the same way as when you search and filter for items.

Changing data for many items at the same time

You can choose between changing data related to home location or to set temporary location. You can also add or remove manual statuses.

Under Change home location, you can bulk change the following settings:

  • Organisation
  • Department
  • Section
  • Item type
  • Shelf - item

For each field you can change value, leave as is and in some cases clear current value (department, section and item type). If you change organisation, the default choice for department/section will be Clear value. New values must be selected if wanted.

  1. After having selected the items you want to handle, click Change data.
  2. Select which settings you want to change and click Change.
  3. Confirm your action.

The option Change expiry date is only available for items that are assigned a temporary location.

Print labels in bulk

  1. After having selected the items you want to handle, click Print.

  2. Choose Print spine label or Print bibliographic label.

A maximum of 100 labels can be printed at the same time.

Deleting many items at the same time

You cannot delete items that are on loan, have reservations, debts or unpaid bills.

  1. After having selected the items you want to handle, click Delete items.
  2. Confirm your action.

You get a confirmation of how many items were deleted and of how many items that could not be deleted. When the last item is deleted for multiple manifestations, all related manifestations are removed.

You can only bulk delete items that belong to branches included in your user permissions. For example, if your current role is on branch level, you will only be able to delete items belonging to the branch you are currently signed in at.

Exporting item data to a CSV file

  1. After having selected the items that you want to export, click Download as CSV.

A CSV file is created in your Downloads folder.